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SAP Insights

Executives' trusted source for the latest trends, best practices, research, and insights about the innovation and technology forces shaping the future of business.


Data-driven, original insights on how technology innovation affects business, economic, and social issues to inform and inspire the way you run your organization.

To Profit from Sustainability, Be Resolute

How can bold sustainability practices lead to higher profits? Our survey findings explain. 

The Formula for Business Resilience

Most companies do not feel fully prepared to handle business disruptions. But there's a not-so-secret formula for greater resiliency. 

Humans First: The HR Leader’s Survival Guide to an AI-Infused Future

AI is entering the workplace at different speeds and degrees. It's up to HR leaders to manage the relationship between humans and machines.


In-depth articles about how trends, innovation, technology, and leadership affect business.

What Generative AI Can Do for Utilities

With practice, utilities see using GenAI to better manage power lines, predict and prevent outages, and train field workers.

The Four-Day Workweek Paradox

Shorten the week, and productivity may go up instead of down. But getting those results takes careful program design.

Roads to Regeneration

These short films tell the stories of everyday people around the world who seek to make life more sustainable, equitable and hopeful for everyone – one idea at a time.


Explore today's tech terms defined in simple language, along with practical tips and guidance to help your business thrive.

10 Supply Chain Risks and Ways to Mitigate Them

Some of the top supply chain risks facing businesses today and strategies to reduce and mitigate their impact.

What Are the Benefits of a Vendor Management System (VMS)?

To remain globally competitive, businesses are turning to cloud-based technology solutions such as a VMS, or vendor management system. 

How to Deal with Inflation: Think Digital Tech

Is more inflation coming? Learn how to deal with inflation and how digital technologies are helping businesses fight inflation and economic uncertainty.

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As an executive, you rely on unique and informed points of view to grow your understanding of complex topics and inform your decisions. And you expect that content to be based on evidence and solid reporting – not opinions.


That’s what SAP Insights is all about.


It’s a home for sharing with (and learning from) you not only what is coming next in digital business, but also what to do about it. We combine data-driven research with knowledge from you and your peers, as well as experts and leading thinkers from around the world. The results of this collaboration are new ideas and proven practices that improve the way organizations run. We promise no sales pitches. No marketing fluff. No “insider” technical jargon. Just compelling insights about business and technology. 


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